Register now to join us at our annual i3P Forum Event
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Networking Event
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i3P In Person Forum Event, Waterloo, London
Event Description*

This year we are excited to be hosting our in-person i3P Forum at the iconic St. Johns Waterloo. This is an opportunity to connect our community in an energising and informative environment.

Hear from keynote speakers, get involved with a lively panel discussion and interact with our marketplace zones, where you will engage with innovative projects in infrastructure, collaboration successes and how we can shape the world we live in for the better. 

Our chosen venue is a Grade II listed, landmark building, just south of Waterloo Bridge. It has recently undergone a £5.5m restoration project. This renovation preserves and enhances the historic assets, whilst also preparing the building for net zero carbon operation. 

We will round off our full day of events with an opportunity to network in the beautiful and historic gardens of St. Johns, where we can hopefully enjoy the longest day in warmth and sunshine!

We very much look forward to welcoming you to our 2023 i3P Forum, so please register your interest now to be involved in this exciting event.

St John's Waterloo, 73 Waterloo Road, London United, United Kingdom, SE1 8TY
Jun 21, 2023 10:00 - 17:30